After more than two decades again in the yr2021, there may be a ‘normal’ southwest monsoon throughout the country according to IMD. Also before 4days the private weather forecasting agency ‘Skymate Weather’ predicted the same. It also mentioned 60% probability of the rain fall in this year would be normal & completely ruled out the possibility of this year being the ‘drought’ year, whereas the IMD forecast mentioned 14% probability of the deficient or drought monsoon. The secretary of Earth Science Department of India Madhavan Rajeevan said that the probability of 2021 monsoon rain fall will be over all normal during June-September across the country & in addition to it 21% of ‘above normal’ chance is there. This prediction may vary according to model error of +/-5%. According to IMD earlier three consecutive yrs rain fall was there in the year of 1996, 1997 & 1998. If this year there will be good rain fall, then Kharif crops output will be tremendous. More pulses, paddy, oil seeds & coarse cereals would be there & adequate water storage will help next Rabi crops in Winter season.

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