Migrant labourers on the road & pandemic covid-19 in hospital, are two perpendicular lines which can never meet togather. One deals with health & life when the other one deals with life & family-economy. Because India, the most widely populated & second to China, here corona pandemic is furious in nature. Now cov-19 created havoc with lakh sufferers and number is increasing with rocket speed. As the covid virus newly born at China & encircled the whole world, India is not free from the circle. Even to brake the chain of community transmission lock-down, contenment zone & shut-down are the only weapons, are being used too. By that, country’s economical activity came to a halt. Now ReseveBank of India, Finance ministry & P.M.O are with the scanner. Even to stimulate country’s economy Prime Minister declared 20lakh crore rupees; yet it is insufficient. Looking to the grim picture of Indian economy, World Bank predicted recently; country’s G.D.P may go down to 3.2%. In 2019-20 financial year G.D.P reduced to 4.2%. At the present situation with pandemic, lowest G.D.P, migrant labourers & unemloyed youths many socio-economical problems can creep up; if all states & center too would not be able to bell the cat with plan to overcome the pandenomic.