Few days back election date of Bihar has been announced by CEC of India Mr Sunil Arora. Today again the commission ordered for by election in 12 states which include UP, Chatishgarh, Gujurat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, MP, Nagaland, Telengana & Odisha. The by election includes 56 Assembly seats with 1 Loka sava seats from Bihar too. As state like West Bengal & three other states appealed not to have by election, commission agreed to it. The important aspect of this by election is that Odisha is one among other participants. In the said state from Baleswar sadar & Tirtole assembly seat the by election date has been declared. In 2019 BJD candidate Bishnu Das won the election from Tritole where as BJP candidate Madan Mohan Dutta elected from Baleswar sadar assembly seat. As both of them died, CEC declared by election for which notification will come out on 9th October. Up to 16th October candidates can filed their nomination paper. It will be scrutinized on 17th & can be withdrawn within 19th. Vote will be held on 3rd November & result will be declared by 10th November. The important aspect of Odisha by election is that, BJD & BJP may be with a dual fight in both the seats & Congress may remain far behind.        

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