Pandemic corona’s kiss & after-kiss hard fighting with world in no way is less than a world war. Powerfull & most powerfull country like USA, RUSSIA, UK, SPAIN, ITALY, BRAZIL, GERMANY & many other are battling hard. At first covid-19 virus marched past from wuhan 0f China. Till now above 75 lakh people of the Earth found corona positive out of whom more than 4 lakh died. India is fourth among affected countries. Even within last 24hrs 10thousand new positive found out & 357 died according to Delhi. States like Maharashtra, Delhi, Tamilnadu & many other are hotspots. Situation is more precarious & detariotating as migrant labourers after returning home states back, now feel uncertain future & empty pocket without job. In one side fear of positive virus & from other side fear looming large to arrange square meal per day. The hard kiss of corona may give jolt to economy if pandenomic sooner will not be controlled by medicine which is yet to be invented. If at all Russia is right many thanks that “Avifavir” medicine has been invented & Moscow permited to use it sooner. With this let world tell good buy to covid-19 for all time to come.