New Delhi: India on Monday recorded 26,291 new cases of COVID-19 during the past 24 hours, pushing the country caseload to 1,13,85,339, while the death toll soared to 1,58,725 with 118 more fatalities.
According to the Union Health Ministry, the active cases rose by 8718 to stand at 2,19,262. It is now 1.93 per cent of the total caseload.
The past 24 hours saw 17,455 people recovering from the deadly virus, taking the total recovery count to 1,10,07,352, which is 96.68 per cent of the case tally. The fatality rate stood at 1.39 per cent.
Meanwhile, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said that a total of 22,74,07,413 lakh samples have been tested so far for coronavirus. Out of this, 7,03,772 were tested on Sunday.