Nobel prize is certainly a prestigious honour of the World. This has been named with the Sweden scientist Alfred Nobel who donated a big amount for this noble cause. In 2020 when corona pandemic created havoc all through the World, now scientist in general giving more stress upon medicine & vaccine. At this juncture, the Nobel committee secretary general Thomas Purlman declared 2020’s Nobel prize in medicine. Present year three scientists were given this valuable prize because of inventing Hepatitis-c virus which is the third stage of this deadly disease. First of all, the virus of hepatitis were of two types known as hepatitis-A & hepatitis-B. But the third stage came with hepatitis-C virus which was unknown to the World till 1987. In 1988, hepatitis-C virus invented by two American & one British scientist. One among them is Harvey j Altar & second is Charles M Rice including the third kwon as Michel Hopton. Hepatitis-C is the cause behind  liver cirrhosis & liver cancer too. According to WHO, each year in the World 7crore people suffer from above diseases & around 4Lakh died every year. So to invent this virus undoubtedly a mile stone in medical science for which those three will be rewarded each, a gold medal with 8crore 17lakh 60 thousand rupees in Indian currency. But the question  is that, since 32years hepatitis-C virus though has been invented, after a long interval Nobel committee could able to recognise the same.

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