New Delhi, President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have expressed grief over the loss of lives of Covid-19 patients in a fire accident at a hospital in Rajkot, Gujarat early Friday morning. Terming the blaze as “a tragedy beyond words”, the President offered condolences saying, “In this agonising time, I offer my heartfelt empathy for the bereaved families. I pray for speedy recovery for the injured.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a tweet said, “Extremely pained by the loss of lives due to a hospital fire in Rajkot. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones in this unfortunate tragedy. Praying for a quick recovery of the injured. The administration is ensuring all possible assistance to those affected.”At least five patients were killed after a fire broke out in the ICU of a designated Covid-19 hospital in Rajkot in the early hours of Friday, reports said.