New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will release the 8th instalment of financial benefit under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme on May 14 at 1100 hrs via video conferencing. This will enable the transfer of more than Rs 19,000 crore to more than 9.5 crores beneficiary farmer families. The Prime Minister will also interact with farmer beneficiaries during the event; the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement here on Thursday.Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar will also be present on the occasion. Under the PM-KISAN scheme, a financial benefit of Rs 6000 per year is provided to the eligible beneficiary farmer families, payable in three equal 4-monthly installments of Rs 2000 each. The fund is transferred directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. In this scheme, Samman Rashi of over Rs 1.15 lakh crore has been transferred to farmer families so far.