Mangaluru, Mangaluru South (Pandeshwara) police arrested six persons including a minor in connection with the pelting of stones at Maulana Azad Bhavan, that houses offices of Minority Development department at Pandeshwara.Police said on Wednesday that the arrested are Dhanraj Shetty (21) of Good shed, Sushanth (20) of Emmekere, Karthik Shetty (26) of Kanduka, Sangar Bangera (20), Maneesh Putran (20) and a minor, all hailing from Hoige Bazar.
The court has granted bail to the minor while others have been remanded in judicial custody.Some unidentified miscreants had pelted stones at the Maulana Azad Bhavana on August 13 midnight and damaged windowpanes of the first floor of the building. Based on the CCTV footage, the police arrested the accused.