The hon’ble Supreme Court rejected an application filed by UP state GOVT. The GOVT has shown that the temple of Lord Krishna at Mathura district is having much importance. The road for the tourist & disciple to the said temple should be more widened to make transportation easier. The state GOVT also wants to cut all big trees from both the side of above road for which permission is needed. Once the processs will be started, 2940 big trees future would be uncertain. The state GOVT, led by political leaders also assured that, to replace above 2000 trees the state will bear the loss by giving 138.41crore rupees towards plantation. When UP GOVT’s aplication reached Supreme Court, the bench leaded with the chief Justice S A Bobde consider the application from many point of views; probably climate, jungle, oxygen, trees among township; more ever in a heritage place like Mathura wheather to uproot heritage trees of a century will be write or wrong step? The bench at last concluded with the line that even if the GOVT will go with more plantation than the trees, but it is absolutely not acceptable as to cut down a tree of 100yrs can never be same with the plantation.       

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