Rourkela: The Rourkela Municipal Corporation (RMC) issued an SOP for functioning of shopping malls that had been closed due to COVID-19 lockdown for over four months in Odisha’s Steel City. Amidst pandemic situation, the State Government has ordered for reopening of shopping malls with certain conditions to continue economic activities. In this regard, the SOP has been issued for operation of shopping malls under RMC area for strict adherence by the mall employees and customers. As per the SOP, certain activities inside the malls will be prohibited to obey the revised guidelines issued by the State Government. The malls in Rourkela will be functional by adhering to the social distancing norms to contain spread of COVID-19.
Prohibited Activities:
- Food Courts/Eatery outlets within the Mall premises shall not be opened.
- Gaming Zones/Gaming Arcades/Children play areas shall not be opened.
- Cinema Halls/Entertainment Halls/Fun Zones of any kind shall remain closed.
- Promotional activities within the Mall premises aiming at congregation of customers/visitors shall not be done.
General Conditions:
- Social Distancing of at least 6ft to be maintained by the customers/visitors/staffs.
- Use of Face Masks/Face Covers by Customers/visitors/Staffs are must. The Mall authorities to ensure orientation of staffs about proper use of Face mask/Face cover.
- Hand hygiene like frequent hand washing with soap(For 40 to 60 Seconds) or with alcohol based Hand Sanitizer(For at least 20 seconds) of hands even if the hands are not visibly dirty to be practised by all staffs.
- Coughing/Sneezing etiquettes like covering mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing or with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow should be practised by all staffs and customers/visitors and staffs. The used tissue to be disposed of properly.
- Self-monitoring and self reporting of Illness by staffs to the Mall authorities and subsequently to RMC for follow up action.
- Installation of “Arogya Setu App” shall be advised to all staffs and customers/visitors.
- At the entrance of the mall. there shall be mandatory thermal screening and sanitizer dispenser for use. After Screening only customers/visitors with no fever and no visible flu symptom will be allowed inside.
- Staffs/Customers/Visitors will only be allowed if he/she is using Face cover/Face Mask properly. They may be advised to use it properly at all times while inside the Mall.
- The Mall authorities should affix Posters. erect standees at all conspicuous places inside the Mall on prevention measures about COVID-19 so that maximum visibility Is ensured.
- The Mall authorities should also make arrangement of AV media at different places Inside the Mall and display the COVID-19 prevention measures so that It catches the attention of most visitors/customers.
- Mall authority to take step for staggering of visitors and place adequate staffs to ensure social distancing of 6 Ft between two individuals.
- All staffs of the Mall who belongs to vulnerable groups like Elderly employees. Pregnant Employees. employees having underlying medical conditions should preferably be advised to stay at home and encourage them to work from home. In case of pressing need. the mall authorities should take extra care by not exposing them to any frontline work requiring direct contact with the public.
- Appropriate social distancing may be adopted at the parking lot through proper crowd management within the Mall premises. In the outside also staffs may be deployed to ensure proper crowd management and social distancing. Valet Parking of any kind shall not be allowed.
- Shops/Outlets within the Malls shall ensure maintenance of social distancing at all times within their shops/outlets.
- Wherever there is possibility of making a queue both inside and outside of Mall. the mall authority shall do specific marking with at least 6 ft distance to maintain queue and ensure social distancing.
- The mall authorities shall make separate arrangement for Entry and Exit for customers/visitors and supply of goods/articles inside the Mall Building.
- If any outlet has the facility for home delivery of articles then the Home delivery staffs shall be screened thermally by the Mall authorities before allowing them for home delivery.
- The staffs handling supplies. inventories and goods shall handle them by wearing proper PPE kits. Disinfection of the area may be done frequently.
- The Mall authorities and the retail outlets/shops inside the Mall shall allow that many customers/visitors inside their premises so that social distancing of 6Ft is possible and maintained.
- Seating arrangement if available inside and outside the Mall shall be done in a such a way that social distancing is maintained.
- Number of person inside elevators may be restricted so as to maintain social distancing norms. Elevator man may be placed outside every floor so that the button operation is confined to the operator only. Also the liftman placed inside the elevator will only operate the buttons.
- The customers/visitors may be allowed to use escalators with alternate steps only so that distance is maintained.
- CPWD guidelines for air-conditioning/ventilation may be followed. Temperature setting may be maintained in the range of 24-30 degree Celsius and humidity should be kept in the range of 40-70%. Intake of fresh air and cross ventilation should be adequate.
- Any kind of gatherings/congregations by customers/visitors or even for staffs are strictly prohibited.
- Effective and frequent sanitation within the premises shall be done within the premises. Deep cleaning and Sanitization of toilets/Wash rooms are to be done frequently. For ensuring physical distance alternate urine pan may be activated for use. Similarly disinfection of drinking water places and washing station area may also be done.
- Most touched surfaces like Door knobs, elevator buttons, hand rails, benches, wash room fixtures to be disinfected with 1% sodium hypochlorite as often as possible. It is mandatory for disinfection in common areas as well as inside shops. elevators and escalators.
- The mall authorities shall make provision for proper disposal of used Masks/face covers/Gloves left over by customers/visitors and staffs.
- A separate room/enclosure may be identified as a isolation room/space preferably just outside/near the entrance of the Mall for isolation of suspected or person with SARI/Ill symptoms.
- In case a suspect case is found at the entrance of the Mall or inside the Mall premises then the following procedure to be adopted.
i. The person should be asked to move to an isolated area specifically marked for such purpose.
ii. He will be asked to put on his mask/face cover properly.
iii. RMC to be contacted immediately for shifting of the person for conduct testing.
iv. Disinfection of the places where he has visited may be undertaken immediately. - Spitting has been classified as an offence as per Odisha COVID Regulations 2020.
Therefore spitting inside any shopping malls is not permitted. To enforce all COVID-19 protocols all mall owners need to designate one responsible officer of his as COVID Compliant Officer and intimate RMC. They will be notified by RMC as authorized officer as regards collection of fines from the person found spitting in public. This authorized officer will also be responsible for overall compliance of all COVID-19 related protocols.