Only by telling about hotspots, declaring frequently lockdown, shutdown & transporting corona positive affected people to covid hospital is not a permanent solution for this major issue. Though doctors & research oriented people can tell about better solution, but according to the statement of different states health department the suffering of the common man starting from slums to flat is going precarious day by day. Even in Odisha corona positive local cases are more, especially at capital Bhubaneswar, Old capital Cuttack city & Rourkela. Till today death cases are around 86, where as positive cases moves up & about to cross 16thousand as per the report. India is third in the list of affected countries. The situation tells only by lockdown & shutdown, situation may not be grim but remedy will not be there. So where lies the problem? Certainly infection & nobody bothers about common place disinfection. Months back WHO announced categorically; in India only not through lockdown & shutdown; but if common places in village & town areas would be sanitized, then only situation may improve. Otherwise possibility of community infection can’t be ignored. Government of India & all state Government should examine WHO’s warning & steps should be taken accordingly in order to save this sub-continent from the clutch of pandemic.     

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