Dhar (MP): A man in Madhya Pradesh’s Dhar district has bicycled over 100 km to take his son to the examination centre. Shobharam, a labourer in Baidipura village, took his son Ashish to the examination centre — located 105 km away — on a bicycle. He covered the entire distance in seven hours. The video of this hard-working father, putting all his efforts to ensure a bright future for his son, has gone viral on social media. Ashish had appeared in the Class 10 examination of the Board of Secondary Education but could pass. However, under the state government’s “Ruk Jana Nahi” programme, students failing in Class 10 and 12 exams can reappear in the exam. Since public transportation was not available due to the coronavirus-triggered crisis, Shobharam decided to take his son to the examination centre on the bicycle. Shobharam also brought a bed along with him as he cannot afford a stay in hotels.