Bhubaneswar: Veteran Odia actor Ajit Das today passed away at a private hospital in Bhubaneswar. The veteran actor Ajit Das is no more among us, said Ollywood actor Sabyasachi Mishra. Ajit Das was 71. He is survived by his wife and three daughters. The actor was undergoing treatment at the SUM COVID Hospital after he tested positive for the deadly virus. He breathed his last in the afternoon on Sunday, Sabyasachi told media. According to source, his wife Maya Das was discharged from the COVID Hospital after her test report came out negative for COVID-19. Born in Karanjia village in Mayurbhanj district in the year 1949, Das had debuted in Ollywood with Sindura Bindu in 1976. He had left his marks in Odia films like ‘Hakim Babu’, ‘Maa’ and ‘Tunda Baida’ playing dominating characters. He was an alumnus of National School of Drama (NSD). The veteran actors including Bijay Mohanty, Om Puri and Naseeruddin Shah were his batchmates in country’s premier threatre training institute.