Ex-Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri once in a speech to the nation told a very short line consisting only four words; that is “Jai Jawan jai Kishan”. This very line is very very important from India point of view, where the population in the year end of 2021 crossed 140 crores and 20 percent out of this devoided  of  square meal per day. That’s why as Prime Minister of the country his slogan encouraged country’s soldiers and peasants in  same enthusiasm to work for the motherland, where one is to keep the border intact and the other one is country’s “Annadata”. Throughout the country majority are farmers, farm-labourers and they used to earn money out of ploughing field and to have crops. Since some years after Independence, to keep middle man far away from farmers government used to purchase paddy at different mundy. Still in many states middle man, millers used to purchase paddy at the first hand from farmers in a lower price and through Mundy they  became profitable. Looking towards this, to make farmers more profitable,the central government amended farmers law which became more bitter than previous one, as many farmer leaders told. Even  a minister of Punjab resigned from the central cabinet and ex-chief minister Prakash Singh Badal returned back “Padma ” award. Not only that, many state farmrers from northern India came to Newdelhi to join in strike and one died too in the way. After analyzing peasants strike, centre called farmer leaders to a meeting which became unsuccessful. Today also central government sent some reform proposal in the new law which also has been rejected. Farmer leaders announced directly, either new laws will be scrapped or Indian farmers will go with strike. So, now the Prime Minister of India is to intervene in order to pacify the farmers and to make way out for a better law for peasants.    

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