The World is having innumberable animal, birds & under water species with last but not the least Homo-Sapiens. The modern Human bieng is the outcome of Homo-Sapiens. In ancient age Homo-Sapiens home was jungle where they use to live & brought up. When man became a social being, he use to remain in a hut with family to maintain privacy. When civilization grows up & up, man & women after being educated used to remain in a state & in a country too. With the ddevelopement of science, social interaction rapidly move forward which proves from two World war. In 21st Century countries are ruled by Kingship, Democracy, communism etc. For the first time in 1948 United Nation formed on 10th December & after 2 years UN general assembly adopted this day as Human Rights Day. Since 9 decades many war, cold war has been fought & World sufer with pandemic. Also question of torture, right to life, freedom from slavery & bonded labourers, right to equality, right to privacy etc. arose in diferent tcountries out of various problems where UN use to short it out. In order to make people conversant, human right charter became essential for which Human Rights Day is being observe each year every where with the participation of UN actively to get positive result.