India from the geographical side & population, is so large & vast that children missing & it is a burning problem. If missing occur, in many cases enquiry failed. In any case if the child traced out, he or she must be a victim of misfortune. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), within 4 years that is from 2015 to 2019, total missing children number increased by about 16.3%. One year back, in 2019, total around 73,138 children reported missing which means, an average of 200 children were reportedly missing each day. Most of the missing cases happened in MP, WB, Bihar & Delhi. The alarming side of missing is that 71% of the year 2019 were girl child. Their number is 52,049 where as boy child number is 21,074. Missing girl cases number increased alarmingly which is to be looked upon. It will be better if Ministry Of Home Affair in centre should take note of the missing children data year wise for the last one decade to find out the way of tracing the untraced child.