It is not advertisement nor any prediction, rather a theory newly found out by Israel scientists. They are now with the hope that the age of homo-sapien can be reduced in a scientific method. A senior citizen of 60 years old can go back to the age of 35 if he desires so, after the scientific research succeeded fully. They are demanding even, by applying hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) both old age symptom and disease can be checked at a time. Scientists of Israel’s Tel Aviv University and Shamir Medical Centre’s joint research result is positive as they demanded. They used to tell even; more the research will be, more the outcome also. The same research will help to check many old age diseases. Israel scientist are very much hopeful by applying high pressure over oxygen in a laboratory chamber, and it has been found out that by the very scientific method, old age disease can be eradicated and oldness symptom can be checked. In research world first of all this has been invented by Israel scientists as they demand. The published report over this indicated that for hyperbaric oxygen treatment 35 people above 64 years old were under the research scanner. Per week each one has been treated five times and it has been continued for 3 months after which scientists are with the views that by Telomere treatment, the cell of old peoples body can be revived and rejuvenated. According to the research head Prof. Shai Efrati; old age symptoms can be checked through telemeter shortening. Also to treat Alzheimer those scientists through more research could come to know, body’s internal protein(NRF-2) should be enhanced through Nuclear Factor Erythroid. Once it is applied, old age process would go slow. One can tell, by giving checkmate, if senior citizens can be able to work for more a decade, definitely this will be a blessing in disguise through which economy in general can be strengthened.