Jajpur: In a tragic incident, a girl student on her way to tuition class died in a road mishap on the National Highway-16 under Dharmasala police limits in Jajpur district today. The deceased girl has been identified as Sweta Behera, a Class 10 student and daughter of Santosh Kumar Behera of Neulapur village. According to reports, the 15-year-old Sweta and her elder sister Sangeeta (18) were moving on their new scooter (Activa 6G) to attend tuition class in the morning. At around 8.00 am, the sibling duo on their two-wheeler hit rear of a truck parked on the NH near Rathia Chhak following which Sweta died on the spot. His elder sister sustained injuries in the mishap. On receiving information, Dharmasala police reached the site and recovered the body.