Panaji, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Sunday remembered first Chief Minister of the state Dayanand (Bhausaheb) Bandodkar on the day when first elected government was sworn-in in 1963 .
In a tweet, the Chief Minister said,”On this day in 1963, the first Government in Goa with the mandate of the people of Goa under the leadership of Dayanand (Bhausaheb) Bandodkar was sworn in.”
”This day laid the foundation of democracy in Goa which has led us on the path of development and progress of the people and the state of Goa. Remembering Bhausaheb Bandodkar, and extending my hearty greetings to all Goans on this occasion,” he said.
Goa was liberated from Portuguese rule on December 19, 1961, and on December 20, 1963, Bhausaheb Bandodkar was sworn-in as first Chief Minister of then union territory Goa, Daman and Diu.