New Delhi, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday requested the Centre to reserve 1,000 ICU beds in the central government hospitals in view of the escalating COVID situation here.The Delhi CM made this request in video conference with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in view of increasing COVID infections in Delhi.Several top officials of the Delhi government also took part in the video conference. Mr Kejriwal also requested the PM to intervene and help Delhi get respite from the spike in the pollution caused by the stubble burning in the neighbouring states.The Chief Minister said that till the capital is under the impact of the third wave of corona virus , 1,000 additional ICU beds in the Central Government hospitals needs be kept as reserved.PM Modi discussed the COVID situation with the Chief Ministers of the top eight worst affected states through video conferencing.The states include Kerala, West Bengal, Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and others, while Home Minister Amist Shah is also a part of the meeting.Currently, Delhi is the most affected from the COVID 19 and has been clocking more than a hundred deaths
for the past four days due to the pandemic on a daily basis.