In our country malnutrition is hindrance in the way of social development. More-ever, from the world point of view, a list  has been prepared where India’s position is below the rank among  107 countries. Among those,typically positions of 103 countries are unchanged since 2 decades. Recent study of research shows India’s position is as same as before. On 2000 India was behind 83 countries whereas after 6 years the position became more precarious and India stood below 91 countries. Again on 2012 the country gone below to 89 position and  on 2019 it has gone down to 96 position whereas due to little improvement on 2020 country’s position gone below 93. The country has been improved in many factors whereas malnutrition among children never has been eradicated. On the other hand, more children below 5 years are prey to it because of less protein. In comparison  to the world, India is not improving within 20 years for which the position in malnutrition on 2000 and at present is same; that is 17%. It proves people of India are taking less protein with food and more carbohydrate . For this special care should be taken and accordingly plan should be implemented to eradicate malnutrition; so that the future generation will be physically stronger and mentally able to do any  hard work.

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