Madurai/Chennai, In yet another shocker, a 19-year-old girl preparing for the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) allegedly committed suicide by hanging in her house over exam anxiety at Armed Reserve Police Quarters here on Saturday.Police said M.Jothi Durga, daughter of a Sub-Inspector of Police Muruga Sundaram was found hanging from the ceiling in the bedroom. This is the second suicide over NEET in Tamil Nadu this week. Jothi Durga was seen studying till 0100 hours after which went to bed. However, she was found hanging, this morning. Preliminary enquiries revealed that the girl was anxious for quite some time over the NEET exam scheduled to be held tomorrow. She appeared last year NEET, but failed to crack the exam. The girl took the extreme step as she was scared of the exam, police sources said.The body was removed to the Government Rajaji Hospital for post-mortem.On September 9, another Medical aspirant committed suicide by jumping into a well at Elanthankuzhi village near Senthurai in Ariyalur district.The youth, identified as V.Vignesh had appeared for the NEET twice, but failed to crack the medical entrance examination. He was depressed over writing the exam and committed suicide. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K.Palaniswami expressed sad over the suicide of the youth and said children taking such wrong decisions cause anguish to him.”While there are countless ways to succeed in life, success is guaranteed when the students have determination and perseverance to confront anything,” he said.Mr.Palaniswami extended assurance to the people that the State government would remain supportive of the students’ welfare and their growth. He also requested the parents to guide the children upon knowing their ambitions.Leaders of various political parties, including DMK President M K Stalin demanded to scrap NEET.