After less than 72hrs New Year will approach, whereas 2020 would leave for ever. The World since last one year has been tortured by the nature & many people may not support the argument because of science & its long impact. No doubt, truth is ever lasting & never need support behind it. If we look back, last one year is an year of corona, an year of pandemic, an year of disbelieve, an year of restlessness, an year of poor economy, an year of battle between human race & pandemic corona for which 8,12,17,325 people succumbed to it. Till date 5,73,71,461 cov positive were cured too. Recently, a microbiologist forecasted that corona will not leave us so soon & may linger on for a decade more, for which man is to accept it. Even WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus clearly expressed corona virus won’t be the last pandemic. His version is more important because categorically his emphasis is upon climate changes & to think about the betterment of all animals from A to Z. Also he cautioned the human race. He summarized it by telling rather corona pandemic showed the unshown relationship in regard to health between the human race, animal world & nature as a whole. This advise of WHO chief is undoubtedly true because in the year 2021 also climate pollution will be there & animals of jungle would be without food & drinking water. Addition to it human race will not deter from harassing the nature which is a daily day habit. So, how can we expect pandemic will leave the planet Earth in New Year?