Bollywood actor Sushant Rajput’s untimely death seems more mysterious with two state’s capital police enquring the same case, where as death occurred before 41days. Many unusual names like his girlfriend Riya, one young & very very

Sensex jumps 748.31pts

Mumbai, Snapping a losing streak of last four sessions, the BSE Sensex on Tuesday zoomed up by 748.31 points at 37,687.91 on the strength of Energy, Finance, Bankex, Realty and Oil & Gas stocks amid positive Asian Market.The

Road mishap claims two in UP

Rai Bareli, A man and his son were killed when a speeding vehicle rammed into them in the Harchandpur area of this Uttar Pradesh district on Tuesday. Police sources said that Lalchand Pasi was coming from Bachranwa along with his son