New Delhi, India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Friday said that a cyclonic circulation lies over East Equatorial Indian Ocean and adjoining south Andaman Sea, extending upto 5.8 above mean sea level which will lead to a formation of a ‘Low Pressure Area’ over Southeast Bay of Bengal during next 48 hours. It is likely to concentrate into a depression during subsequent 24 hours and likely to intensify further thereafter. It is likely to move nearly westwards and reach Tamil Nadu-Puducherry coasts around December2. The IMD further said that under this influence, there is possibility of light to moderate rainfall at most places with Isolated heavy to very heavy falls on December 1 and heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places with isolated extremely heavy falls on December 2- 3 is very likely over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal.The national weather bureau also said that a well marked ‘Low Pressure Area’ lies over south Coastal Andhra Pradesh and adjoining Westcentral Bay of Bengal. Under its influence, light to moderate rainfall at many places with heavy to very heavy falls at isolated places is likely over coastal Andhra Pradesh and isolated heavy rainfall over Rayalseema during next 24 hours.