Revenge on sleep

The human being is no more passing through Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolethic age . Rather human species  with the evolution theory of Darwin at present can fly in the sky , can have expedition in sea and can control any disease and also able to have one to one communication through mobile phone .  He is addicted so much with the android mobile that it acts like a security personnel. More ever in android any one can be engaged 24/1 hours using different apps like news , play,  you tube, what’s  app , facebook, instagram ,tweeter etc. To use android it reqires patience and time . The more hour you invest , more satisfaction  will be there .  The young mass are more prone to mobile , but due to heavy engagement of darly life they don’t have time  to use the same in working hours. More people , in this 21st  century after going through daily routine before going to bed or even in the bed are using androids  which  stands like a barrier in the bed time . Now a days, professional doctors use to tell , this is one kind of disease which named as “ Revenge sleep procrastinator” . When you sleep less it increases stress . so it is better not to bring any kind of phone or electronic equipments into bed, in order to have a peaceful sleep .          

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