The World is running through corona Pandemic for which everyday life of human being has been shattered from each angle. Above 2crore people of the Globe identified cov-19 positive. Even more than 7lakhs people died too. To invent vaccine Britain, America, Russia, China, India, Israel & other few countries are in the race. Even Britain, USA, China & India being one step ahead are yet to make vaccine. Being in the laboratory war Russia won. “GAMALEYA NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY & MICRO BIOLOGY” institute of Moscow with the co-operation of country’s defence department could able to have the covid vaccine as president Vladimir Putin declared that final trial has been succeeded with His daughter. She is alright after vaccination. Any how, the vaccine will be given to common man in October. Our vaccine is successful as stated by Russia Health Minister Aliv Gridnev & it has been registered. But WHO differed expressing many more rounds of trial & error method should be done to achieve a true vaccine. In India everybody is happy after getting the news of Russia Vaccination which would be given on 12th August to covid warriors such as Nurse, Doctors & Teachers of Moscow. Undoubtedly the vaccine is a hope against hope to bid farewell to the Pandemic corona.