Thane/Palghar, A 28-year-old man allegedly killed his wife before hanging himself at his residence, the Tulinj Police said on Sunday.The duo deceased have been identified as Rahul Chavan and Jyoti (23), who lived in the Evershine building in Vasai suburb.Talking to UNI, Assistant Inspector Archana Dusane stated that the incident came to fore on Friday night when the neighbors got suspicious upon noticing that the lights of the Chavan’s house were off.They alerted the police after which the cops broke open the door and discovered that the woman’s body was lying on bed while Rahul was found hanging from the hall’s ceiling.No suicide note was found at the spot, police stated, adding that the bodies have been sent for post mortem.The deceased man was working as a security guard at the Andheri metro station and the reason behind the act is yet to be determined, told police.